Thursday, September 8, 2011

Grandpa, we'll miss you!

It's been a long couple of weeks.  Grandpa passed away shortly after midnight on Sept. 1.  His funeral was Tuesday.  Mariah handled it pretty well.  We only had one real problem.  My brother, Kevin, is a minister and he performed the service  At the beginning he asked if anyone wanted to come up and share their memories of Grandpa.  Since he was 96, there were a lot of memories!  Anyway, Mariah was determined that she was going to get up and tell everyone all about her grandpa.  She had told me prior to the service that she wanted to do this and I had discussed it with Mom & Tony beforehand.  We had her tell all of us what whe wanted everyone to know and she was pretty shy about it.  We decided that it would be the same if she got up to talk during the service.  So when the time came, I told her that she was too young and I wanted her to stay with me.  She got so upset that I ended up taking her into the nursery and rocking her to calm her down.  Bad Mom moment!!!

I had my finals all last week too.  I've gotten my grade for my Teaching as a Professio class and I got 250/250 points on my final paper.  My final grade was 97% !  A!  Now I'm just waiting on my Biology grade.  This unit started on Monday.  I have Elementary Math and Diversity in the Classroom.  So far, so good!

I've had several cross stitch and crochet finishes in the last 2 weeks.  Unfortunately, I can't show any pictures because they are all for exchanges and haven't been received yet.  As soon as they are, I will post them!

And how was YOUR day?

1 comment:

  1. So sorry for your loss but wonderful news about your classes.

