Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Big sale!

Good morning!  Those of you who know me, know that I'm a big fan of lapbooks.  They are compact, all encompassing study guides on just about any subject you can imagine.  They are good for any age from preschool to high school.  Even many public schools are starting to use them in the classrooms.  They're not just for homeschoolers anymore!  Whether you have used them in the past, or are new to them, they are worth investigating for your kids.  They even make great activities for rainy days or non-school days!  Those of you who scrapbook will love them!!

Of all the lapbooks out there, my favorites are made by a company called

The ladies there do an outstanding job designing & writing lapbooks that teach and keep a student's interest.  Right now, they're having a big sale to celebrate having 10,000 fans.  10,000!!!  Wow, that's a LOT of fans!  So, to celebrate they have giving you 50% off of any downloadable lapbook!  Half price!!  That means that you could get the downloadable Spring lapbook (now on sale for $5) for only $2.50!!  Spring Lapbook with Study Guide On Sale 5.00!

Earth Day is coming up & they have a great lapbook on Earth Day.  Right now it would cost you $6.50 for the downloadable version.  Instant to your computer!

Earth Day Grades 1-4 Lapbook with Study Guide

Just use code WOOHOO when you are done shopping.  Check it out here
A Journey Through Learning 10,000 likes sale!

Go ahead, look around.  You know you want to!

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