Now, I just need to wait on my final grade for my Elementary Math class and I can order my diploma!!!! Break time until April 10 when I start my Bachelor's in Elementary Education program.
On a stitching note, I've been working hard on 3 projects. I'm stitching an angel for a RR in one of my Yahoo groups. I've almost got her done. One more good day of stitching!
I made some progress on Coffee Angel. I did another 10 rows on the left border and about five rows on her dress.
In my Every Stitch Counts group, we are doing a monthly SAL with houses designed by Karen of Sunshine Stitches. This is my January house so far. I'm having a difficult time with it because I don't like the fabric I picked. Since I want to make individual ornaments out of it, I'm thinking about using a different fabric for the rest of them.
Here is Mariah's little band of merry 'men'. My friend, Carla, crocheted the outfits and sent her those and the dolls wearing them. The brown and blue outfit also has a bag with it and we're hoping it will fit Mariah's Bitty Baby. However, the Bitty Baby has taken a trip to see Grandma (read - Mariah can't remember where she put it right this minute!) so we can't try it on just yet.
Well, I need to go get ready for work. Talk to y'all later!!