Sunday, December 15, 2013

Only Believe!

Wow, I can't believe that it has been almost 2 months since I posted here.  A lot has happened and I will catch you up in a different post.  For this one, I want to introduce you to a wonderful author and his books.  A couple of months ago, I read a book called 'The Reason'.  I had heard from a couple of other friends that it was a great book.  I went to the library and the waiting list was already 20 people long.  Ok, it'll be a couple of months, I thought.  A week later, I got an email from the library that my book was waiting for me to pick up.

It took me 2 weeks to read it.  Not because it was a slow book, but because I just didn't have much time between working, Mariah's schoolwork, the shop, etc.  One night, Rich was at the church for dart ball, it was nasty out, and I was just not feeling like stitching or crocheting.  I picked up the book - and was blown away.  I finished it in 2 days - work interfered!!  The last night I sat up in bed reading and crying my eyes out.

'The Reason' is a deeply moving book.  The characters are people that you want to know.  You are amazed and wonder how in the world you could ever have doubted that God exists.  Your heart is wrenched out and then made whole.

I love to read, but it isn't often that a book moves me and affects me in the way that this one did.

After I finished it, I looked up the author on Facebook.  William Sirls has a FB page and hugely interacts with the 4,578 fans who currently have Liked his page.  I thanked him for his book and asked when the next one would be out.  I discovered that not only was the new one in the works, but that he was looking for people to help him pass the word around about his books.  I jumped on the chance to be a part of his Street Team and a few days later received an email saying that I had been blessed to be chosen.  As a part of the team, I was given an advance copy, signed by the author.  I was also given 2 more that had been signed with the names of the 2 people that I had chosen to give them to.  The new book, 'The Sinners Garden', was mine to read and review!

Like his first book, William's second book was a book of faith.  It differed from 'The Reason' though.  While 'The Reason' was a 'slap you in the face book of miracles', 'The Sinners Garden' is much more subtle.  Again, the characters are people (and dogs) that you want to know - you want to keep reading to find out what happens to them.  You want to invite them into your lives.  They are people that you already know.  However, this book makes you take stock of your life.  It makes you think hard about the path that you have chosen and why.  About how you might choose differently, both in the past and now.  It makes even the most faithful question if they are faithful enough and in the right ways for the right reasons.  

 Both books are perfect for book discussion groups.  There is a section in the back of each one that has questions for discussion.  They make you think and wonder.

Do yourself a favor - read these books.  Whether you buy them, get them from a library, or borrow them from someone else.  Read them.  Think about them.  Discuss them.  Don't just put them on a shelf.  Share them.  Then come back here and we'll discuss them.  Hopefully, we'll get a lot of people with their own opinions, good or bad.  Discussion is open, flaming is not allowed!  Hope to see you soon!